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Do I need to take an exam?

At the end of foundation courses there is a final test, to test your knowledge level after completing the course.

Entry link: Do I need to take an exam?

Do I need to take exams?

Yes.  Once you have completed the course you will need to take an official exam (which is supervised).

Entry link: Do I need to take exams?

Does my qualification needs to be renewed?

Yes every year you are required to do an additional two hours of studying to renew your qualification

Entry link: Does my qualification needs to be renewed?


How can I use my earned certificates and badges?

These official badges are designed to be shared on social media (e.g. LinkedIn)

Entry link: How can I use my earned certificates and badges?

How do I login to the course?

After you have enrolled on the ILC, you will receive an invitation from the Smart Learning platform with your login credentials. You will only receive these credentials once, so remember them well.

Entry link: How do I login to the course?

How do I receive a certificate and a badge?

After you passed the final test of a foundation course, a link will appear on your dashboard on the Smart learning Platform where you can download your Certificate.

Entry link: How do I receive a certificate and a badge?

How do I register for a course?

You  will either be enrolled in the ILC by your manager or you can enroll yourself in the ILC. When you enroll yourself, an approval from your manager is required. 

Entry link: How do I register for a course?

How long do I have to finish this course?

The course will be available for 6 months from your enrollment date.

Entry link: How long do I have to finish this course?

How long does it take to complete a qualification course?

Qualification courses require 8 hours online study time, excluding the final exam. You may also want to revise before sitting for the exam.

Entry link: How long does it take to complete a qualification course?

How long does it take to complete the AML foundation course?

Foundation courses take about 4 hours study time excluding the final test. 

Entry link: How long does it take to complete the AML foundation course?

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